Отдых и Рыбалка в Карелии

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There passed week since I returned, once again from the Northern fairy tale under the name Karelia. Behind the delight of the white nights, behind an ear, a fire, a bath and a sit-round gathering in an arbor, good company, transparent and thermal water of the forest lake, absence of people, mobile communication and electricity, behind great fishing, pike candles and "okunevy" places (will understand devoted)), behind century fir-trees and pines, magnificence and greatness of the Nature and is a lot more what behind... but the charge of cheerfulness, energy and impressions is received, and with them and a reason for memoirs, discussions and dreams, in hope again to return to this magic country!

Alexey Dubrovin and his company, a travel on the forest lake, July, 2018.


Впечатления и фото с Топозера двух коллективов: Романа и Евгения.

"Евгений, добрый вечер! В целом всё всем понравилось! Щука и окунь ловились изумительно, были и трофеи." - Роман и Со.

"Евгений, добрый день! Все было как всегда отлично, отдохнули на славу, рыбы поймали тоже сколько было нужно, теперь будем ждать и скучать." - Евгений и Со.